Sharon Marston at Buckingham Palace show

July 8, 2013

Microsoft Word - SharonMarston_Mappin&Webb.doc
A handcrafted chandelier by UK lighting designer Sharon Marston will illuminate the stand of British jeweller Mappin & Webb at July’s Coronation Festival, 11-14 July 2013. The festival is a one-off summer event sees the gardens of Buckingham Palace transformed into an high-class forum for exhibitors showcasing their skills and expertise across four main sectors, homes & gardens; food & drink; design & technology and style; pursuits & past times.

The suspended Cluster chandelier from Sharon Marston’s current collection will capture and reflect the glamour and luxury surrounding the Mappin & Webb brand.  Similarly, it will provide a glimpse into the design aesthetic of the jewellers’ new flagship stores for which Sharon Marston chandeliers have been specified.

Says Marston:  “Cluster presents an exaggerated variant of the more linear Lotus light from my collection. Rings of fading dusk grey glass descend in concentric circles to create a spherical centrepiece, emphasising the diverse formations and aesthetic effects that can be created within the collection.”