darc awards now open for entries
(UK) – It is now time to enter the darcness… You can now enter your projects and products into the darc awards, the international lighting design awards organised by mondo*arc and darc magazines for lighting designers, suppliers, architects and interior designers.
Every entry will be displayed online for full exposure and every company who enters will receive a free profile in the online darc directory. Just like in the pages of mondo*arc and darc, we’re not after the most efficient, the best money saving, the safe. We’re after the creative, the clever, the brave.
The categories are:
1 Best interior scheme – low / high budget
2 Best exterior scheme – low / high budget
3 Best landscape /urban / streetscape / masterplan – low / high budget
4 Best decorative lighting installation
5 Best light art installation
6 Best architectural lighting product – interior / exterior
7 Best decorative lighting product
8 Best lighting concept
Now, over to you…