ILP launches Lighting United
(UK) – The day of online events and activities, held on 9 September, will offer support to lighting community.
The Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP) is planning a series of online events and training throughout the remainder of 2020, and will launch its Autumn plan at its online AGM day, Lighting United, on 9 September.
The professional body, which supports everyone in lighting to share CPD knowledge, has no plans to organise any face to face events or training until 2021.
John Sutcliffe and James Duffin, the ILP Honorary Treasurers, explained: “The Institution relies on membership subscription fees to operate. Our view is that it’s not responsible or respectful for us to take on financial risk by organising face to face events and courses which could be cancelled while the pandemic continues.
“We also recognise the challenges employers and employees face in finding time and resources to allow colleagues to attend events. Sharing knowledge online at least eliminates travel time and expense.”
Tracey White, ILP CEO, added: “We know how much the lighting community is looking forward to being able to gather again in person, and we share those sentiments. In the meantime, we offer several different ways to stay connected, including our open house Hi Lights sessions. We will also be supporting our friends in the industry who are planning a mixture of digital and in-person events this Autumn, providing speakers and promotional support.”
Lighting United is a free day of online events and activities for the lighting community. On 9 September, the ILP invites lighting professionals to connect, update themselves on opportunities and be part of the future of lighting. The ILP team will show attendees how the community can support each other now and in the coming months, topping up your resilience and making attendees better equipped to deal with whatever else 2020 throws at us.
For more information and to register for Lighting United, visit: www.theilp.org.uk/agm-2020/