Meridiana – Hind Rabii
Designed for Hind Rabii by Chiaramonte Marin Studio, Meridiana is not a sundial, even if it does play with the light.
The process in fact is inverse: here the light is not the means, but the purpose, a great disk like the sun – hidden behind what looks like a big clock hand – it is a gentle, not blinding light.
For more than 20 years, Hind Rabii has been producing collections that have all been the expression of a clearly established philosophy: to combine the pure lines of Scandinavian design with the creativity of the company’s founder and designer, who uses and takes advantage of her inspiration drawn from her country of origin, as well as others. The colours of the Mediterranean come together with Nordic design to create collections with unrivalled elegance and refinement, embellished with a touch of enchanting imagination.
The company’s history is closely linked to the life of Hind Rabii, who breathes her creativity and inspiration into each project. The main characteristic is the variety of the materials and the elegance of the details.