Lindsey Adelman – Paradise
For centuries, glassblowers on the island of Murano passed down their expertise strictly through the generations, keeping their magic to themselves. But in recent years, thankfully, those master craftsmen have come to embrace and be embraced by a young wave of American glass artisans eager to reinterpret history.
Such a joyous exchange was among the inspirations for Paradise, a sprawling sculptural cascade of textured globes (blown by Brooklyn-based Michiko Sakano and Vetro Vero studio in Pennsylvania) on a network of large-link brass chains that drape as gracefully as a necklace.
Throughout, opaque and translucent cones, cylinders, spheres and diamonds poke out at vertiginous angles, and slender polished pins add an edge of dangerous glamour. Using an innovative, labor-intensive technique, textile artist Taryn Urushido crochets the electrical wires invisibly through heavy handmade brass chains, rendering Paradise’s subtle illumination even more miraculous. In addition to an array of standard models, Paradise was designed to be endlessly customisable; it can twist and torrent down the well of an open staircase or dance endlessly across the ceiling.
“Paradise captures the luxurious spirit of nomadic wandering. Home is where you make it. The aesthetic language of heavy brass chains, textured glass, slender polished pins, hints of colour, and intricately woven wire creates a feeling of indulgent spontaneity,” says Adelman.