
Print Subscription
darc is published six times a year: jan/feb, mar/apr, may/jun, jul/aug (3d), sept/oct, nov/dec. The price of an annual subscription (6 issues) varies depending on your location:
UK: £50.00
EUROPE: £75.00
REST OF WORLD: £100.00

Digital Subscription
Our digital subscription is completely free and includes:
All the latest news from the world of decorative lighting and design in one place, straight to your inbox once a month.
darc digital issue: the digital version of our printed magazine, sent 6 times a year.
You also have the option of signing up to newsletters relating to our sister magazine arc – covering architectural lighting, and newsletters relating to [d]arc media‘s industry events.
Yes, as long as your current browser supports secure credit card transactions. To determine if your browser supports secure credit card transactions, look at the bottom left hand corner of your browser. When you are in a secure site, you will see a solid key on netscape browsers and a closed padlock on Internet explorer browsers. If the site is not secure, the key will appear broken and the padlock will appear unlocked.
All subscription prices are shown in pounds sterling. For overseas orders, the price you pay will be dependant on the exchange rate of your credit card company and may fluctuate. There is no VAT payable on magazine subscriptions. All subscription payments will be taken in pounds sterling only.
We accept:
All major Credit Cards:
Bank Transfer – Royal Bank of Scotland, Manchester, M2 1FB. A/c: Mondiale Media Ltd – 00653021, sort code 12/08/95. Swift Code BOFSGB21256.
Your subscription will start with the next available issue subject to our publishing calendar. For first time subscribers we aim to post out our current issue if this is available – otherwise your subscription will start with the next issue to be published. For renewal orders we aim to provide a continuous service so your first issue of your renewal will follow the last issue of your old subscription. If you have a particular requirement please specify on your order form or by emailing us at and our Subscriptions Department will be happy to help.
Yes. Within 14 days of receiving your order we will write to you to confirm whether or not we accept it. This written confirmation will include the following details
• Magazine subscribed to
• Length of subscription and corresponding payment method
• Your personal details and delivery address for the magazines
• Cover date of first and last issues
• Your personal subscriber number, which should be quoted in any correspondence
• Contact details for our Subscriptions Department
Should you have not received your acknowledgement after 14 days, please contact our Subscriptions Department
If there is a problem with your subscription order we will also contact you within 14 days.
Subject to availability, you can order single and back issues over the phone. if you know the issue number and it is in stock you can telephone the Subscriptions Department on +44 161 464 4750 with your full postal address and credit card details or alternatively email Please allow up to 28 days for delivery for overseas orders and up to 14 days for UK delivery.
Your subscriber number is printed on the envelope that contains your magazine. You will also find it at the top corner of your renewal letters and in any correspondence you receive from our Subscriptions Department. Alternatively you can email us to find out your customer number –
You can call the Subscriptions Department on +44 161 464 4750 – please have your subscriber number and your old and new address to hand or email us at with all the required information
Simply contact one of our Subscriptions Department on +44 161 464 47505 or and they will arrange for a replacement copy to be sent to you.
Simply contact one of our Subscriptions Department on +44 161 464 4750 as soon as possible or email and they will arrange for a replacement copy to be sent to you if the issues have already been sent from our printers.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our refund policy is clear – within 7 days of receiving your first issue you have the right to a refund on all unmailed issues you have pre-paid for. Just contact our Subscriptions Department at or telephone+44 161 464 4750
Renewal notices are sent out well in advance so that our customers do not experience a break in service. Your last issue number is clearly written on the renewal notice and your renewal will start with the subsequent issue number.
It is sometimes possible that your payment could cross in the post with our renewal notices. However if you receive a renewal notice more than two weeks after you’ve sent in your payment it may mean that we have not received your payment. It may also mean that your card or cheque has not cleared.
In either case please contact our Subscriptions Department via email on or telephone +44 161 464 4750. The Department is open between 9am – 5pm. Monday to Friday.
We will use your personal details to process your order. The subscription forms will ask if you would like to receive special offers or new products/services that may be of interest from Mondiale Media and from other carefully selected companies. If you prefer to receive no further information apart from your subscription details, you may select this option. If you are in doubt about the permissions on your personal details, please contact us via email on to specify your requirements.