Chelsom – Edition 27 Collection
What is the concept behind Edition 27 Collection?
Our main focus – as always – was to create innovative and beautiful lighting designs. Edition 27 shows an array of new wall light designs, this ‘Glass Effect’ range being one of our favourites. The main concept was to focus on how we could create light effect on the wall and within different types of glass so that the sconces were not just about ambient light but also about the projection, pattern and play of light on surface and the refraction of light through different coloured and shaped glasses. We have used some traditional components in totally different applications to achieve this light effect and one of the key features is that the glass can be fully interchangeable to create totally different results.
How long have you been working on the product for?
The creation of a Chelsom catalogue takes around 18 months and different designs take different amounts of time to perfect within that period. The ‘Glass Effect’ collection involved a lengthy prototyping period as we had to refine the shape, translucency and colour of all glasses used before we could make our final decisions on the collection.
Can you describe the design process and materials used?
The main focus was to keep things simple. The overall design marries three key components: the brushed brass back plate, a mirror top E27 lamp and then the glass shades. The hero element is the glass itself, which comes from Italy’s Veneto region and in three designs: a flat deeply ribbed elliptical shape available in smoked, mirrored gold and opal; two styles of glass dish, one with built in concentric lines and one that is smooth. They are finished in a Veneto crackle gold leaf to create a brilliantly intense golden light effect which shines like the sun. The final shape is a clear bowl made from cross hatch glass that sparkles as the light refracts through it. The mirror top lamps form the golden centre piece for all designs.
What was the most challenging aspect of producing this product?
As we developed the collection, we soon realised that the different colours and types of glass were going to manipulate the light in different ways. I had hoped that all glass types would blast the light reflections across the wall in the same way as the smoked glass version but it became clear that we could create different types of light effect within the glass itself so we decided to focus on that. The overall design intent evolved as we worked through the manufacturing and prototyping stage, resulting in an ever-moving set of goal posts and endless opportunities. The challenge was narrowing down the options to form the final collection!
What makes ‘Glass Effect’ different?
We haven’t played with light effect as much as we have done in this range before, so this makes the collection truly stand out for us. I feel that because we are using traditional Italian glass in a totally innovative way, this makes the range stand out. The glass would have normally been used in traditional Venetian chandeliers and sconces but this modern application makes for a very different lighting product.
What kind of environment is this product range suitable for?
Given the neat size and the fact that there are an array of glass options to choose from, I feel that this range can be used in all sorts of applications. These are not subtle products by any means and they should be used to create powerful and striking light effects. Because of the pattern and reflection, I think these wall sconces will liven up a corridor superbly as they throw light across the walls. Equally the intense and vibrant colours and light effects will enhance any bar and restaurant interior. I would love to see the lights by the bed in a guestroom scheme.