Women in Lighting launch Gender Equality Survey
(UK) – This week, Women in Lighting launches #womeninlightingUKfacts to gather data on the gender equality in the UK lighting industry.
This week, Women in Lighting launched #womeninlighitngUKfacts, a survey collecting data about gender equality in the UK lighting industry as a whole. It welcomes participation from lighting consultancies and engineering practices, as well as manufacturers, educators, researchers, and related disciplines, which sometimes do not feel represented in the mainstream. The survey aims to find out quantitative and qualitative data. It will collect figures and facts about equal opportunities, sexism, pay gaps and company policies. Some questions will give the chance to expand on the answers if anyone wishes to.
The survey is completely anonymous, so it encourage participants to provide their honest opinion and was conceived by Carmela Dagnello, WiL UK Ambassador, with the support of a team made up of Amy Rennie (WiL Ambassador for Scotland), Carolina Sterzi and Sandra Babini. The survey can be completed here.