Zumtobel eleventh sponsor of darc awards
Zumtobel is the latest lighting manufacturer to become a partner of the darc awards, which will culminate in the darc night awards ceremony in London on September 24th.
The Austrian manufacturer joins ten other progressive companies who have pledged their support to the innovative new architectural and decorative lighting design awards programme. They are: Cooledge, Concord, Griven, Innermost, KKDC, L&L Luce & Light, LSE Lighting, Lucent, Megaman and Reggiani. XL Video is the Technical Partner who will be helping to make darc night unlike any other lighting awards ceremony in the past.
Paul James, awards director and publishing editor of mondo*arc and darc, commented: “Of course I’m absolutely delighted that we have eleven partners on board already with just one more to go to fulfil our brief of having twelve lighting installations at the awards ceremony.”
Each partner is teaming up with a lighting design practice to create a dozen inspiration spaces at the specially selected darc night venue in London next September. These include Speirs+Major, dpa, Light Bureau, Michael Grubb Studio, Elektra, Paul Nulty Lighting Design, BDP, Design In Progress, LDI and Troup Bywaters + Anders.
Just like in the pages of mondo*arc and darc, we’re not after the most efficient, the best money saving, the safe. We’re after the creative, the clever, the brave.
The categories are:
1 Best interior scheme – low / high budget
2 Best exterior scheme – low / high budget
3 Best landscape /urban / streetscape / masterplan – low / high budget
4 Best decorative lighting installation
5 Best light art installation
6 Best architectural lighting product – interior / exterior
7 Best decorative lighting product
8 Best lighting concept
Every entry will be displayed online for full exposure and every company who enters will receive a free profile in the online darc directory.
darc night will be part of the IYL2015 (International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies 2015 ) related activities program and will be promoted by the L-RO (Lighting-Related Organizations) to raise awareness for the lighting design profession and showcase the importance and beauty of light.